I like making Ben 10 and Bakugan watches. Nearly every day I come home from school wearing a watch that I've made. Or sometimes my friends make watches for me. These top ones are normal Ben 10 watches. My friend made the really light green one with the silver bits on it. He said it's the real Ben 10 watch.

This watch is a Bakagon flame watch. It throws Bakagons and makes you run really fast. Even faster than Charlie. He is really fast and always wins races.

This is a Ben 10 watch that shows the alien that is coming out of the watch. I made it so you can have either this alien who is called SwampFire.

...or you can flip it over and have this alien instead. I think it is Goo Man. He has a little alien saucer on the top of his head to keep him in his shape and the voice comes out of the little alien flying saucer ship and he can slide into other robot things and make them shut down.